Barbara Liskov and James Cowling
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
This paper presents an updated version of Viewstamped Replication, a replication technique that handles failures in which nodes crash. It describes how client requests are handled, how the group reorganizes when a replica fails, and how a failed replica is able to rejoin the group. The paper also describes a number of important optimizations and presents a protocol for handling reconfigurations that can change both the group membership and the number of failures the group is able to handle.
This paper presents an updated version of Viewstamped Replication [8, 10, 11] (referred to as VR from now on). VR works in an asynchronous network like the Internet, and handles failures in which nodes fail by crashing. It supports a replicated service that runs on a number of replica nodes. The service maintains a state, and makes that state accessible to a set of client machines. VR provides state machine replication [4, 13]: clients can run general operations to observe and modify the service state. Thus the approach is suitable for implementing replicated services such as a lock manager or a file system.
The presentation here differs from the earlier papers on VR in several ways:
VR was originally developed in the 1980s, at about the same time as Paxos [5, 6], but without knowledge of that work. It differs from Paxos in that it is a replication protocol rather than a consensus protocol: it uses consensus, with a protocol very similar to Paxos, as part of supporting a replicated state machine. Another point is that unlike Paxos, VR did not require disk I/O during the consensus protocol used to execute state machine operations.
Some information about the history of VR can be found in [7]. That paper presents a similar but less complete description of VR. It also explains how later work on Byzantine fault tolerance was based on VR and how those protocols are related to the VR protocols.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides some background material and Section 3 gives an overview of the approach. The VR protocol is described in Section 4. Section 5 describes a number of details of the implementation that ensure good performance, while Section 6 discusses a number of optimizations that can further improve performance. Section 7 describes our reconfiguration protocol. Section 8 provides a discussion of the correctness of VR and we conclude in Section 9.
This section begins with a discussion of our assumptions about the environment in which VR runs. Section 2.2 discusses the number of replicas required to provide correct behavior, and Section 2.3 describes how to configure a system to use VR.
VR handles crash failures: we assume that the only way nodes fail is by crashing, so that a machine is either functioning correctly or completely stopped. VR does not handle Byzantine failures, in which nodes can fail arbitrarily, perhaps due to an attack by a malicious party.
VR is intended to work in an asynchronous network, like the Internet, in which the non-arrival of a message indicates nothing about the state of its sender. Messages might be lost, delivered late or out of order, and delivered more than once; however, we assume that if sent repeatedly a message will eventually be delivered. In this paper we assume the network is not under attack by a malicious party who might spoof messages. If such attacks are a concern, they can be withstood by using cryptography to obtain secure channels.
VR ensures reliability and availability when no more than a threshold of $f$ replicas are faulty. It does this by using replica groups of size $2f+1$; this is the minimal number of replicas in an asynchronous network under the crash failure model. The rationale for needing this many replicas is as follows:
We have to be able to carry out a request without waiting for $f$ replicas to participate, since these replicas may be crashed and unable to reply. However, the $f$ replicas we didn't hear from might merely be slow to reply, e.g., because of network congestion. $f$ of the replicas we did hear from may thus subsequently fail. Therefore, we need to run the protocol with enough replicas to ensure that even if these $f$ fail, there is a least one replica that knows about the request. This implies that each step of the protocol must be processed by $f+1$ replicas. These $f+1$ together with the $f$ that may not respond give us the smallest group size of $2f+1$.
A group of $f+1$ replicas is often referred to as a quorum and correctness of the protocol depends on the quorum intersection property: the quorum of replicas that processes a particular step of the protocol must have a non-empty intersection with the group of replicas available to handle the next step, since this way we can ensure that at each next step at least one participant knows what happened in the previous step. In a group of $2f+1$ replicas, $f+1$ is the smallest quorum size that will work.
In general, a group need not be exactly of size $2f+1$; if it isn't, the threshold is the largest $f$ such that $2f+1$ is less than or equal to the group size, $K$, and a quorum is of size $K-f$. However, for a particular threshold $f$ there is no benefit in having a group of size larger than $2f+1$: a larger group requires larger quorums to ensure intersection, but does not tolerate more failures. Therefore in the protocol descriptions in this paper we assume the group size is exactly $2f+1$.
Figure 1. VR Architecture; the figure shows the configuration when $f = 1$.
The architecture for running VR is presented in Figure 1. The figure shows some client machines that are using VR, which is running on 3 replicas; thus $f=1$ in this example. Client machines run the user code on top of the VR proxy. The user code communicates with VR by making operation calls to the proxy. The proxy then communicates with the replicas to cause the operation to be carried out and returns the result to the client when the operation has completed.
The replicas run code for the service that is being replicated using VR, e.g., a file system. The replicas also run the VR code. The VR code accepts requests from client proxies, carries out the protocol, and when the request is ready to be executed, causes this to happen by making an up-call to the service code at the replica. The service code executes the call and returns the result to the VR code, which sends it in a message to the client proxy that made the request.
Of the $2f+1$ replicas, only $f+1$ need to run the service code. This point is discussed further in Section 6.1.
State machine replication requires that replicas start in the same initial state, and that operations be deterministic. Given these assumptions, it is easy to see that replicas will end up in the same state if they execute the same sequence of operations. The challenge for the replication protocol is to ensure that operations execute in the same order at all replicas in spite of concurrent requests from clients and in spite of failures.
VR uses a primary replica to order client requests; the other replicas are backups that simply accept the order selected by the primary. Using a primary provides an easy solution to the ordering requirement, but it also introduces a problem: what happens if the primary fails? VR's solution to this problem is to allow different replicas to assume the role of primary over time. The system moves through a sequence of views. In each view one of the replicas is selected to be the primary. The backups monitor the primary, and if it appears to be faulty, they carry out a view change protocol to select a new primary.
To work correctly across a view change, the state of the system in the next view must reflect all client operations that were executed in earlier views, in the previously selected order. We support this requirement by having the primary wait until at least $f+1$ replicas (including itself) know about a client request before executing it, and by initializing the state of a new view by consulting at least $f+1$ replicas. Thus, each request is known to a quorum and the new view starts from a quorum.
VR also provides a way for nodes that have failed to recover and then continue processing. This is important since otherwise the number of failed nodes would eventually exceed the threshold. Correct recovery requires that the recovering replica rejoin the protocol only after it knows a state at least as recent as its state when it failed, so that it can respond correctly if it is needed for a quorum. Clearly this requirement could be satisfied by having each replica record what it knows on disk prior to each communication. However, we do not require the use of disk for this purpose (and neither did the original version of VR).
Thus, VR uses three sub-protocols that work together to ensure correctness:
These sub-protocols are described in detail in the next section.
This section describes how VR works under the assumption that the group of replicas is fixed. We discuss some ways to improve performance of the protocols in Section 5 and optimizations in Section 6. The reconfiguration protocol, which allows the group of replicas to change, is described in Section 7.
Figure 2 shows the state of the VR layer at a replica. The identity of the primary isn't recorded in the state but rather is computed from the view-number
and the configuration
. The replicas are numbered based on their IP addresses: the replica with the smallest IP address is replica 1. The primary is chosen round-robin, starting with replica 1, as the system moves to new views. The status
indicates what sub-protocol the replica is engaged in.
The client-side proxy also has state. It records the configuration
and what it believes is the current view-number
, which allows it to know which replica is currently the primary. Each message sent to the client informs it of the current view-number
; this allows the client to track the primary.
In addition, the client records its own client-id
and a current request-number
. A client is allowed to have just one outstanding request at a time. Each request is given a number by the client and later requests must have larger numbers than earlier ones; we discuss how clients ensure this if they fail and recover in Section 4.5. The request number is used by the replicas to avoid running requests more than once; it is also used by the client to discard duplicate responses to its requests.
. This is a sorted array containing the IP addresses of each of the $2f+1$ replicas.replica number
. This is the index into the configuration where this replica's IP address is stored.view-number
, initially 0.status
, either normal
, view-change
, or recovering
assigned to the most recently received request, initially 0.log
. This is an array containing op-number
entries. The entries contain the requests that have been received so far in their assigned order.commit-number
is the op-number
of the most recently committed operation.client-table
. This records for each client the number of its most recent request, plus, if the request has been executed, the result sent for that request.Figure 2: VR state at a replica.
This section describes how VR works when the primary isn't faulty. Replicas participate in processing of client requests only when their status
is normal
. This constraint is critical for correctness as discussed in Section 8.
The protocol description assumes all participating replicas are in the same view. Every message sent from one replica to another contains the sender's current view-number
. Replicas only process normal protocol messages containing a view-number
that matches the view-number
they know. If the sender is behind, the receiver drops the message. If the sender is ahead, the replica performs a state transfer: it requests information it is missing from the other replicas and uses this information to bring itself up to date before processing the message. State transfer is discussed further in Section 5.2.
The request processing protocol works as follows. The description ignores a number of minor details, such as re-sending protocol messages that haven't received responses.
, and $s$ is the request-number
assigned to the request.request-number
in the request with the information in the client table. If the request-number
$s$ isn't bigger than the information in the table it drops the request, but it will re-send the response if the request is the most recent one from this client and it has already been executed.op-number
, adds the request to the end of the log
, and updates the information for this client in the client-table
to contain the new request number, $s$. Then it sends a $⟨\text{Prepare}\ v, m, n, k⟩$ message to the other replicas, where $v$ is the current view-number
, $m$ is the message it received from the client, $n$ is the op-number
it assigned to the request, and $k$ is the commit-number
messages in order: a backup won't accept a prepare with op-number
$n$ until it has entries for all earlier requests in its log
. When a backup $i$ receives a Prepare
message, it waits until it has entries in its log
for all earlier requests (doing state transfer if necessary to get the missing information). Then it increments its op-number
, adds the request to the end of its log
, updates the client's information in the client-table
, and sends a $⟨\text{PrepareOK}\ v, n, i⟩$ message to the primary to indicate that this operation and all earlier ones have prepared locally.PrepareOK
messages from different backups; at this point it considers the operation (and all earlier ones) to be committed
. Then, after it has executed all earlier operations (those assigned smaller op-numbers
), the primary executes the operation by making an up-call to the service code, and increments its commit-number
. Then it sends a $⟨\text{Reply}\ v, s, x⟩$ message to the client; here $v$ is the view-number
, $s$ is the number the client provided in the request, and $x$ is the result of the up-call. The primary also updates the client's entry in the client-table
to contain the result.Prepare
message; this is the purpose of the commit-number
in the Prepare
message. However, if the primary does not receive a new client request in a timely way, it instead informs the backups of the latest commit by sending them a $⟨\text{Commit}\ v, k⟩$ message, where $k$ is commit-number
(note that in this case commit-number = op-number
(which may require state transfer) and until it has executed all earlier operations. Then it executes the operation by performing the up-call to the service code, increments its commit-number
, updates the client's entry in the client-table
, but does not send the reply to the client.Figure 3: Normal case processing in VR for a configuration with $f = 1$.
Figure 3 shows the phases of the normal processing protocol.
If a client doesn't receive a timely response to a request, it re-sends the request to all replicas. This way if the group has moved to a later view, its message will reach the new primary. Backups ignore client requests; only the primary processes them.
The protocol could be modified to allow backups to process Prepare
messages out of order in Step 3. However, there is no great benefit in doing things this way, and it complicates the view change protocol. Therefore, backups process Prepare
messages in op-number
The protocol does not require any writing to disk. For example, replicas do not need to write the log to disk when they add the operation to the log. This point is discussed further in Section 4.3.
The protocol as described above has backups executing operations quickly: information about commits propagates rapidly, and backups execute operations as soon as they can. A somewhat lazier approach could be used, but it is important that backups not lag very far behind. The reason is that when there is a view change, the replica that becomes the new primary will be unable to execute new client requests until it is up to date. By executing operations speedily, we ensure that when a replica takes over as primary it is able to respond to new client requests with low delay.
View changes are used to mask failures of the primary.
Backups monitor the primary: they expect to hear from it regularly. Normally the primary is sending Prepare
messages, but if it is idle (due to no requests) it sends Commit
messages instead. If a timeout expires without a communication from the primary, the replicas carry out a view change to switch to a new primary.
The correctness condition for view changes is that every operation that has been executed by means of an up-call to the service code at one of the replicas must survive into the new view in the same order selected for it at the time it was executed. This up-call is performed at the old primary first, and therefore the replicas carrying out the view change may not know whether the up-call occurred. However, up-calls occur only for committed operations. This means that the old primary must have received at least $f$ PrepareOK
messages from other replicas, and this in turn implies that the operation is recorded in the logs of at least $f+1$ replicas (the old primary and the $f$ backups that sent the PrepareOK
Therefore, the view change protocol obtains information from the logs of at least $f+1$ replicas. This is sufficient to ensure that all committed operations will be known, since each must be recorded in at least one of these logs; here we are relying on the quorum intersection property. Operations that had not committed might also survive, but this is not a problem: it is beneficial to have as many operations survive as possible.
However, it's impossible to guarantee that every client request that was preparing when the view change occurred makes it into the new view. For example, operation 25 might have been preparing when the view change happened, but none of the replicas that knew about it participated in the view change protocol and as a result the new primary knows nothing about operation 25. In this case, the new primary might assign this number to a different operation.
If two operations are assigned the same op-number
, how can we ensure that the right one is executed at that point in the order? The solution to this dilemma is to use the view-number
: two operations can be assigned the same number only when there has been a view change and in this case the one assigned a number in the later view prevails.
The view change protocol works as follows. Again, the presentation ignores minor details having to do with filtering of duplicate messages and with re-sending of messages that appear to have been lost.
, sets its status to view-change
, and sends a $⟨\text{StartViewChange}\ v, i⟩$ message to the all other replicas, where $v$ identifies the new view. A replica notices the need for a view change either based on its own timer, or because it receives a StartViewChange
or DoViewChange
message for a view with a larger number than its own view-number
messages for its view-number
from $f$ other replicas, it sends a $⟨\text{DoViewChange}\ v, l, v', n, k, i⟩$ message to the node that will be the primary in the new view. Here $v$ is its view-number
, $l$ is its log, $v'$ is the view number of the latest view in which its status was normal
, $n$ is the op-number
, and $k$ is the commit-number
messages from different replicas (including itself), it sets its view-number
to that in the messages and selects as the new log
the one contained in the message with the largest $v'$; if several messages have the same $v'$ it selects the one among them with the largest $n$. It sets its op-number
to that of the topmost entry in the new log
, sets its commit-number
to the largest such number it received in the DoViewChange
messages, changes its status
to normal
, and informs the other replicas of the completion of the view change by sending $⟨\text{StartView}\ v, l, n, k⟩$ messages to the other replicas, where $l$ is the new log, $n$ is the op-number
, and $k$ is the commit-number
message, they replace their log
with the one in the message, set their op-number
to that of the latest entry in the log, set their view-number
to the view number in the message, change their status
to normal
, and update the information in their client-table. If there are non-committed operations in the log, they send a $⟨\text{PrepareOK}\ v, n, i⟩$ message to the primary; here $n$ is the op-number
. Then they execute all operations known to be committed that they haven't executed previously, advance their commit-number
, and update the information in their client-table
.In this protocol we solve the problem of more than one request being assigned the same op-number
by taking the log for the next view from latest previous active view and ignoring logs from earlier view. VR as originally defined used a slightly different approach: it assigned each operation a viewstamp
. A viewstamp is a pair ⟨view-number, op-number⟩
, with the natural order: the view-number
is considered first, and then the op-number
for two viewstamps with the same view-number
. At any op-number
, VR retained the request with the higher viewstamp. VR got its name from these viewstamps.
A view change may not succeed, e.g., because the new primary fails. In this case the replicas will start a further view change, with yet another primary.
The protocol as described is expensive because the log
is big, and therefore messages can be large. The approach we use to reduce the expense of view changes is described in Section 5.
When a replica recovers after a crash it cannot participate in request processing and view changes until it has a state at least as recent as when it failed. If it could participate sooner than this, the system can fail. For example, if it forgets that it prepared some operation, this operation might then be known to fewer than a quorum of replicas even though it committed, which could cause the operation to be forgotten in a view change.
If nodes record their state on disk before sending messages, a node will be able to rejoin the system as soon as it has reinitialized its state by reading from disk. The reason is that in this case a recovering node hasn't forgotten anything it did before the crash (assuming the disk is intact). Instead it is the same as a node that has been unable to communicate for some period of time: its state is old but it hasn't forgotten anything it did before.
However, running the protocol this way is unattractive since it adds a delay to normal case processing: the primary would need to write to disk before sending the Prepare
message, and the other replicas would need to write to disk before sending the PrepareOK
response. Furthermore, it is unnecessary to do the disk write because the state is also stored at the other replicas and can be retrieved from them, using a recovery protocol. Retrieving state will be successful provided replicas are failure independent, i.e., highly unlikely to fail at the same time. If all replicas were to fail simultaneously, state will be lost if the information on disk isn't up to date; with failure independence a simultaneous failure is unlikely. If nodes are all in the same data center, the use of UPS's (uninterruptible power supplies) or non-volatile memory can provide failure independence if the problem is a power failure. Placing replicas at different geographical locations can additionally avoid loss of information when there is a local problem like a fire.
This section describes a recovery protocol that doesn't require disk I/O during either normal processing or during a view change. The original VR specification used a protocol that wrote to disk during the view change but did not require writing to disk during normal case processing.
When a node comes back up after a crash it sets its status
to recovering
and carries out the recovery protocol. While a replica's status is recovering
it does not participate in either the request processing protocol or the view change protocol. To carry out the recovery protocol, the node needs to know the configuration. It can learn this by waiting to receive messages from other group members and then fetching the configuration from one of them; alternatively, this information could be stored on disk.
The recovery protocol is as follows:
message only when its status is normal
. In this case the replica sends a $⟨\text{RecoveryResponse}\ v, x, l, n, k, j⟩$ message to the recovering replica, where $v$ is its view-number
and $x$ is the nonce in the Recovery
message. If $j$ is the primary of its view, $l$ is its log
, $n$ is its op-number
, and $k$ is the commit-number
; otherwise these values are nil
messages from different replicas, all containing the nonce it sent in its Recovery
message, including one from the primary of the latest view it learns of in these messages. Then it updates its state using the information from the primary, changes its status to normal
, and the recovery protocol is complete.The protocol is expensive because logs
are big and therefore the messages are big. A way to reduce this expense is discussed in Section 5.
If the group is doing a view change at the time of recovery, and the recovering replica, $i$, would be the primary of the new view, that view change cannot complete, since $i$ will not respond to the DoViewChange
messages. This will cause the group to do a further view change, and $i$ will be able to recover once this view change occurs.
The protocol uses the nonce to ensure that the recovering replica accepts only RecoveryResponse
messages that are for this recovery and not an earlier one. It can produce the nonce by reading its clock; this will produce a unique nonce assuming clocks always advance. Alternatively, it could maintain a counter on disk and advance this counter on each recovery.
State machine replication requires that if replicas start in the same state and execute the same sequence of operations, they will end up with the same state. However, applications frequently have non-deterministic operations. For example, file reads and writes are non-deterministic if they require setting "time-last-read"
and "time-last-modified"
. If these values are obtained by having each replica read its clock independently, the states at the replicas will diverge.
We can avoid divergence due to non-determinism by having the primary predict the value. It can do this by using local information, e.g., it reads its clock when a file operation arrives. Or it can carry out a pre-step in the protocol in which it requests values from the backups, waits for $f$ responses, and then computes the predicted value as a deterministic function of their responses and its own. The predicted value is stored in the log along with the client request and propagated to the other replicas. When the operation is executed, the predicted value is used.
Use of predicted values can require changes to the application code. There may need to be an up-call to obtain a predicted value from the application prior to running the protocol. Also, the application needs to use the predicted value when it executes the request.
If a client crashes and recovers it must start up with a request-number
larger than what it had before it failed. It fetches its latest number from the replicas and adds 2 to this value to be sure the new request-number
is big enough. Adding 2 ensures that its next request will have a unique number even in the odd case where the latest request it sent before it failed is still in transit (since that request will have as its request number the number the client learns plus 1).
The description of the protocols presented in the previous section ignores a number of important issues that must be resolved in a practical system. In this section we discuss how to provide good performance for node recovery, state transfer, and view changes. In all three cases, the key issue is efficient log management.
When a replica recovers from a crash it needs to recover its log. The question is how to do this efficiently. Sending it the entire log, as described in Section 4.3, isn't a practical way to proceed, since the log can get very large in a long-lived system.
A way to reduce expense is to keep a prefix of the log on disk. The log can be pushed to disk in the background; there is no need to do this while running the protocol. When the replica recovers it can read the log from disk and then fetch the suffix from the other replicas. This reduces the cost of recovery protocol substantially. However, the replica will then need to execute all the requests in the log (or at least those that modify the state), which can take a very long time if the log is big.
Therefore, a better approach is to take advantage of the application state at the recovering replica: if this state is on disk, the replica doesn't need to fetch the prefix of the log that has already been applied to the application state and it needn't execute the requests in that prefix either. Note that this does not mean that the application is writing to disk in the foreground; background writes are sufficient here too.
For this approach to work, we need to know exactly what log prefix is captured on disk, both so that we obtain all the requests after that point, and so that we avoid rerunning operations that ran before the node failed. (Rerunning operations can cause the application state to be incorrect unless the operations are idempotent.)
Our solution to this problem uses checkpoints and is based on our later work on Byzantine-fault tolerance [1, 2]. Every $O$ operation the replication code makes an up-call to the application, requesting it to take a checkpoint; here $O$ is a system parameter, on the order of 100 or 1000. To take a checkpoint the application must record a snapshot of its state on disk; additionally, it records a checkpoint number, which is simply the op-number
of the latest operation included in the checkpoint. When it executes operations after the checkpoint, it must not modify the snapshot, but this can be accomplished by using copy-on-write. These copied pages then become what needs to be saved to make the next snapshot and thus checkpoints need not be very expensive.
When a node recovers, it first obtains the application state from another replica. To make this efficient, the application maintains a Merkle tree [9] over the pages in the snapshot. The recovering node uses the Merkle tree to determine which pages to fetch; it only needs to fetch those that differ from their counterpart at the other replica. It's possible that the node it is fetching from may take another checkpoint while the recovery is in process; in this case the recovering node re-walks the Merkle tree to pick up any additional changes.
In rare situations where a node has been out of service for a very long time, it may be infeasible to transfer the new state over the network. In this case it is possible to clone the disk of an active replica, install it at the recovering node, and use this as a basis for computing the Merkle tree.
After the recovering node has all the application state as of the latest checkpoint at the node it is fetching from, it can run the recovery protocol. When it runs the protocol, it informs the other nodes of the current value of its state by including the number of the checkpoint in its Recovery
message. The primary then sends it the log from that point on.
As mentioned, checkpoints also speed up recovery since the recovering replica only needs to execute requests in the portion of the log not covered by the checkpoint. Furthermore, checkpoints allow the system to garbage collect the log, since only the operations after the latest checkpoint are needed. Keeping a larger log than the minimum is a good idea however. For example, when a recovering node runs the recovery protocol, the primary might have just taken a checkpoint, and if it immediately discarded the log prefix reflected in that checkpoint, it would be unable to bring the recovering replica up to date without transferring application state. A large enough suffix of the log should be retained to avoid this problem.
State transfer is used by a node that has gotten behind (but hasn't crashed) to bring itself up-to-date. There are two cases, depending on whether the slow node has learned that it is missing requests in its current view, or has heard about a later view. In the former case it only needs to learn about requests after its op-number
. In the latter it needs to learn about requests after the latest committed request in its log, since requests after that might have been reordered in the view change, so in this case it sets its op-number
to its commit-number
and removes all entries after this from its log.
To get the state, the replica sends a $⟨\text{GetState}\ v, n', i⟩$ message to one of the other replicas, where $v$ is its view-number
and $n'$ is its op-number
A replica responds to a GetState
message only if its status
is normal
and it is currently in view $v$. In this case it sends a $⟨\text{NewState}\ v, l, n, k⟩$ message, where $v$ is its view-number
, $l$ is its log after $n'$, $n$ is its op-number
, and $k$ is its commit-number
When replica $i$ receives the NewState
message, it appends the log in the message to its log and updates its state using the other information in the message.
Because of garbage collecting the log, it's possible for there to be a gap between the last operation known to the slow replica and what the responder knows. Should a gap occur, the slow replica first brings itself almost up to date using application state (like a recovering node would do) to get to a recent checkpoint, and then completes the job by obtaining the log forward from the point. In the process of getting the checkpoint, it moves to the view in which that checkpoint was taken.
To complete a view change, the primary of the new view must obtain an up-to-date log, and we would like the protocol to be efficient: we want to have small messages, and we want to avoid adding steps to the protocol.
The protocol described in Section 4.2 has a small number of steps, but big messages. We can make these messages smaller, but if we do, there is always a chance that more messages will be required.
A reasonable way to get good behavior most of the time is for replicas to include a suffix of their log in their DoViewChange
messages. The amount sent can be small since the most likely case is that the new primary is up to date. Therefore, sending the latest log entry, or perhaps the latest two entries, should be sufficient. Occasionally, this information won't be enough; in this case the primary can ask for more information, and it might even need to first use application state to bring itself up to date.
This section describes several optimizations that can be used to improve the performance of the protocol. Some optimizations were proposed in the paper on Harp [8]; others are based on later work on the PBFT replication protocol, which handles Byzantine failures [1, 2].
Harp proposed the use of witnesses to avoid having all replicas actively run the service. The group of $2f+1$ replicas includes $f+1$ active replicas, which store the application state and execute operations, and $f$ witnesses, which do not. The primary is always an active replica. Witnesses are needed for view changes and recovery. They aren't involved in the normal case protocol as long as the $f+1$ active replicas are processing operations. They fill in for active replicas when they aren't responding; however, even in this case witnesses do not execute operations. Thus, most of the time witnesses can be doing other work; only the active replicas run the service code and store the service state.
PBFT proposed the use of batching to reduce the overhead of running the protocol. Rather than running the protocol each time a request arrives; the primary collects a bunch of requests and then runs the protocol for all of them at once.
The use of batching can be limited to when the primary is heavily loaded. This way it has little impact on latency. When the primary isn't busy it processes requests as soon as they arrive. When it is busy, it batches, but requests will be arriving frequently and therefore it needn't wait very long to collect the next batch. Batching can provide significant gains in throughput when the system is heavily loaded by amortizing the cost of the protocol over a large number of client requests.
This section discusses two ways to reduce the latency for handling of read requests; both techniques additionally improve overall throughput.
Harp proposed a way to improve performance for reads, by having the primary execute them without consulting the other replicas. This communication is not needed because read operations don't modify state and therefore need not survive into the next view.
However, having the primary perform read requests unilaterally could lead to the read returning a result based on an old state. This can happen if the request goes to an old primary that is not aware that a view change has occurred. For example, suppose a network partition has isolated the old primary from other replicas. Meanwhile a view change has happened and the new primary has executed more operations, so that the state at the old primary is stale.
To prevent a primary returning result based on stale data, Harp used leases [3]. The primary process reads unilaterally only if it holds valid leases from $f$ other replicas, and a new view will start only after leases at $f+1$ participants in the view change protocol expire. This ensures that the new view starts after the old primary has stopped replying to read requests, assuming clocks rates are loosely synchronized.
In addition to reducing message traffic and delay for processing reads, this approach has another benefit: read requests need not run through the protocol. Thus, load on the system can be reduced substantially, especially for workloads that are primarily read-only, which is often the case.
Leases aren't needed if it is acceptable for the result of a read to be based on stale information. In this case it also works to execute read requests at backups.
To support causality, there must be a way for a client to inform a backup of its previous operation. One way to do this is for the client to maintain a last-request-number
in its state. When the client does a write, the primary returns the op-number
that it assigned to that request, and the client stores this in last-request-number
. When the client sends a read request it includes this number, and the replica responds only if it has executed operations at least this far; in its response it includes its commit-number
, which the client stores in last-request-number
The "reads at backups" provides a form of load balancing; effectively it allows the backups to be used as caches that are up to date enough to satisfy the causality requirements. However, unlike the first approach ("reads at the primary") it does not provide external consistency. The first approach provides causality even in a setting where there are many storage repositories. In this setting, the second approach requires a different way of capturing causality, e.g., with vector timestamps [12] or Lamport clocks [4].
This section describes a reconfiguration protocol that allows the members of the group of replicas to change over time. Reconfiguration is needed to replace failed nodes that cannot be recovered, as well as for other reasons, e.g., to use more powerful computers as replicas, or to position the replicas in different data centers.
The reconfiguration protocol can also be used to change the threshold, $f$, the number of failures the group is intended to handle: the new group can be bigger or smaller than the old one. Changing the threshold is useful to allow the system to adapt to changing circumstances, e.g., if experience indicates that more or fewer failures are happening than expected.
The approach to handling reconfigurations is as follows. A reconfiguration is triggered by a special client request. This request is run through the normal case protocol by the old group. When the request commits, the system moves to a new epoch
, in which responsibility for processing client requests shifts to the new group. However, the new group cannot process client requests until its replicas are up to date: the new replicas must know all operations that committed in the previous epoch. To get up to date they transfer state from the old replicas, which do not shut down until the state transfer is complete.
, initially 0.old-configuration
, initially empty.Figure 4: Additional state needed for reconfiguration.
To handle reconfigurations, we add some information to the replica state, as shown in Figure 4. In addition, there is another status
, transitioning
. A replica sets its status to transitioning
at the beginning of the next epoch. New replicas use the old-configuration
for state transfer at the start of an epoch; this way new nodes know where to get the state. Replicas that are members of the replica group for the new epoch change their status to normal
when they have received the complete log up to the start of the epoch; replicas that are being replaced shut down once they know their state has been transferred to the new group.
Every message now contains an epoch-number
. Replicas only process messages (from either clients or other replicas) that match the epoch they are in. If they receive a message with a later epoch number they move to that epoch as discussed below. If they receive a message with an earlier epoch number they discard the message but inform the sender about the later epoch.
Reconfigurations are requested by a client, $c$, e.g., the administrator's node, which sends a $⟨\text{Reconfiguration}\ e, c, s, \text{new-config}⟩$ message to the current primary. Here $e$ is the current epoch-number
known to $c$, $s$ is $c$'s request-number
, and new-config
provides the IP addresses of all members of the new group. The primary will accept the request only if $s$ is large enough (based on the client-table
) and $e$ is the current epoch-number
. Additionally, the primary discards the request if new-config
contains fewer than 3 IP addresses (since this is the minimum group size needed for VR). The new threshold is determined by the size of new-config
: it is the largest value $f'$ such that $2f'+1$ is less than or equal to the size of new-config
If the primary accepts the request, it processes it in the usual way, by carrying out the normal case protocol, but with two differences: First, the primary immediately stops accepting other client requests; the reconfiguration request is the last request processed in the current epoch. Second, executing the request does not cause an up-call to the service code; instead, a reconfiguration affects only the VR state.
The processing of the request happens as follows:
message to the backups, and stops accepting client requests.Prepare
in the usual way: they add the request to their log, but only when they are up to date. Then they send PrepareOK
responses to the primary.epoch-number
, sends Commit
messages to the other old replicas, and sends $⟨\text{StartEpoch}\ e, n, \text{old-config}, \text{new-config}⟩$ messages to replicas that are being added to the system, i.e., those that are members of the new group but not of the old group. Here $e$ is the new epoch-number
and $n$ is the op-number
. Then it executes all client requests ordered before the Reconfiguration
request that it hadn't executed previously and sets its status
to transitioning
.Now we explain how the two groups move to the new epochs. First we explain the processing at replicas that are members of the new group; these replicas may be members of the old group, or they may be added as part of the reconfiguration. Then we explain processing at replicas that are being replaced, i.e., they are members of the old group but not of the new group.
Replicas that are members of the replica group for the new epoch handle reconfiguration as follows:
or Commit
message), it initializes its state to record the old and new configurations, the new epoch-number
, and the op-number
, sets its view-number
to 0, and sets its status
to transitioning
, and thus learn of all client requests up to the reconfiguration request.status
to normal
and starts to carry out normal processing; it executes any requests in the log that it hasn't already executed and, if it is the primary of the new group, it starts accepting new requests. Additionally, it sends $⟨\text{EpochStarted}\ e, i⟩$ messages to the replicas that are being replaced.Replicas in the new group select the primary in the usual way, by using a deterministic function of the configuration for the new epoch and the current view number.
Replicas in the new group might receive (duplicate) StartEpoch
messages after they have completed state transfer. In this case they send an EpochStarted
response to the sender.
message for the reconfiguration request), it changes its epoch-number
to that of the new epoch and sets its status
to transitioning
. If the replica doesn't yet have the reconfiguration request in its log it obtains it by performing state transfer from other old replicas. Then it stores the current configuration in old-configuration
and stores the new configuration in configuration
messages from the new replicas, where $f'$ is the threshold of the new group. At this point the replica being replaced shuts down.EpochStarted
messages in a timely way, it sends StartEpoch
messages to the new replicas (or to the subset of those replicas it hasn't already heard from). New replicas respond to these messages either by moving to the epoch, or if they are already active in the next epoch, they send the EpochStarted
message to the old replica.To support reconfigurations, we need to modify the view change and recovery protocols so that they work while a reconfiguration is underway.
The most important change is that a replica will not accept messages for an epoch earlier than what it knows. Thus, a replica will not accept a normal case or view change message that contains an old epoch-number
; instead it informs the sender about the new epoch.
Additionally, in the view change protocol the new primary needs to recognize that a reconfiguration is in process, so that it stops accepting new client requests. To handle this case the new primary checks the topmost request in the log; if it is a Reconfiguration
request, it won't accept any additional client requests. Furthermore, if the request is committed, it sends StartEpoch
messages to the new replicas.
The recovery protocol also needs to change. An old replica that is attempting to recover while a reconfiguration is underway may be informed about the next epoch. If the replica isn't a member of the new replica group it shuts down; otherwise, it continues with recovery by communicating with replicas in the new group. (Here we are assuming that new replicas are warm when they start up as discussed in Section 7.5.)
In both the view change and recovery protocols, Reconfiguration
requests that are in the log, but not in the topmost entry, are ignored, because in this case the reconfiguration has already happened.
The protocol described above allows replicas to recognize when they are no longer needed so that they can shut down. However, we also provide a way for the administrator who requested the reconfiguration to learn when it has completed. This way machines being replaced can be shut down quickly, even when, for example, they are unable to communicate with other replicas because of a long-lasting network partition.
Receiving a reply to the Reconfiguration
request doesn't contain the necessary information since that only tells the administrator that the request has committed, whereas the administrator needs to know that enough new nodes have completed state transfer. To provide the needed information, we provide another operation, $⟨\text{CheckEpoch}\ e, c, s⟩$; the administrator calls this operation after getting the reply to the Reconfiguration
request. Here $c$ is the client machine being used by the administrator, $s$ is $c$'s request-number
, and $e$ is the new epoch. The operation runs through the normal case protocol in the new group, and therefore when the administrator gets the reply this indicates the reconfiguration is complete.
It's important that the administrator wait for the reconfiguration to complete before shutting down the nodes being replaced. The reason is that if one of these nodes were shut down prematurely, this can lead to more than $f$ failures in the old group before the state has been transferred to the new group, and the new group would then be unable to process client requests.
Since the group can move, a new client needs a way to find the current configuration. This requires an out-of-band mechanism, e.g., the current configuration can be obtained by communicating with a web site run by the administrator.
Old clients can also use this mechanism to find the new group. However, to make it easy for current clients to find the group, old replicas that receive a client request with an old epoch number inform the client about the reconfiguration by sending it a $⟨\text{NewEpoch}\ e, v, \text{new-config}⟩$ message.
The most important practical issue with this reconfiguration protocol is the following: while the system is moving from one epoch to the next it does not accept any new client requests. The old group stops accepting client requests the moment the primary of the old group receives the Reconfiguration
request; the new group can start processing client requests only when at least $f'+1$ new replicas have completed state transfer.
Since client requests will be delayed until the move is complete, we would like the move to happen quickly. However, the problem is that state transfer can take a long time, even with our approach of checkpoints and Merkle trees, if the application state is large.
The way to reduce the delay is for the new nodes to be warmed up by doing state transfer before the reconfiguration. While this state transfer is happening, the old group continues to process client requests. The Reconfiguration
request is sent only when the new nodes are almost up to date. As a result, the delay until the new nodes can start handling client requests will be short.
In this section we provide an informal discussion of the correctness of the protocol. Section 8.1 discusses the correctness of the view change protocol ignoring node recovery; correctness of the recovery protocol is discussed in Section 8.2. Section 8.3 discusses correctness of the reconfiguration protocol.
Safety. The correctness condition for view changes is that every committed operation survives into all subsequent views in the same position in the serial order. This condition implies that any request that had been executed retains its place in the order.
Clearly this condition holds in the first view. Assuming it holds in view $v$, the protocol will ensure that it also holds in the next view, $v'$. The reasoning is as follows:
Normal case processing ensures that any operation $o$ that committed in view $v$ is known to at least $f+1$ replicas, each of which also knows all operations ordered before $o$, including (by assumption) all operations committed in views before $v$. The view change protocol starts the new view with the most recent log received from $f+1$ replicas. Since none of these replicas accepts Prepare
messages from the old primary after sending the DoViewChange
message, the most recent log contains the latest operation committed in view $v$ (and all earlier operations). Therefore, all operations committed in views before $v'$ are present in the log that starts view $v'$, in their previously assigned order.
It's worth noting that it is crucial that replicas stop accepting Prepare
messages from earlier views once they start the view change protocol (this happens because they change their status as soon as they learn about the view change). Without this constraint the system could get into a state in which there are two active primaries: the old one, which hasn't failed but is merely slow or not well connected to the network, and the new one. If a replica sent a PrepareOK
message to the old primary after sending its log to the new one, the old primary might commit an operation that the new primary doesn't learn about in the DoViewChange
Liveness. The protocol executes client requests provided at least $f+1$ non-failed replicas, including the current primary, are able to communicate. If the primary fails, requests cannot be executed in the current view. However, if replicas are unable to execute the client request in the current view, they will move to a new one.
Replicas monitor the primary and start a view change by sending the StartViewChange
messages if the primary is unresponsive. When other replicas receive the StartViewChange
messages they will also advance their view-number
and send StartViewChange
messages. As a result, replicas will receive enough StartViewChange
messages so that they can send DoViewChange
messages, and thus the new primary will receive enough DoViewChange
messages to enable it to start the next view. And once this happens it will be able to carry out client requests. Additionally, clients send their requests to all replicas if they don't hear from the primary, and thus cause requests to be executed in a later view if necessary.
More generally liveness depends on properly setting the timeouts used to determine whether to start a view change so as to avoid unnecessary view changes and thus allow useful work to get done.
Safety. The recovery protocol is correct because it guarantees that when a recovering replica changes its status to normal
it does so in a state at least as recent as what it knew when it failed.
When a replica recovers it doesn't know what view it was in when it failed. However, when it receives $f+1$ responses to its Recovery
message, it is certain to learn of a view at least as recent as the one that existed when it sent its last PrepareOK
, DoViewChange
, or RecoveryResponse
message. Furthermore, it gets its state from the primary of the latest view it hears about, which ensures it learns the latest state of that view. In effect, the protocol uses the volatile state at $f+1$ replicas as stable state.
One important point is that the nonce is needed because otherwise a recovering replica might combine responses to an earlier Recovery
message with those to a later one; in this case it would not necessarily learn about the latest state.
Another important point is that the key to correct recovery is the combination of the view change and recovery protocols. In particular the view change protocol has two message exchanges (for the StartViewChange
and DoViewChange
messages). These ensure that when a view change happens, at least $f+1$ replicas already know that the view change is in progress. Therefore, if a view change was in progress when the replica failed, it is certain to recover in that view or a later one.
It's worth noting that having two message exchanges is necessary. If there were only one exchange, i.e., just an exchange of DoViewChange
messages, the following scenario is possible (here we consider a group containing three replicas, currently in view $v$ with primary $r1$):
message to $r2$, which will be the primary of view $v+1$, but this message has been delayed in the network.RecoveryResponse
messages from both $r1$ and $r2$. Then it starts sending PrepareOK
messages to $r1$ in response to $r1$'s Prepare
messages, but these Prepare
messages do not arrive at $r2$.DoViewChange
message arrives at $r2$, which starts view $v+1$.Step 3 is erroneous because the requests that committed after $r3$ recovered are not included in the log for view $v+1$. The round of StartViewChange
messages prevents this scenario.
We could avoid the round of StartViewChange
messages by having replicas write the new view number to disk before sending the DoViewChange
messages; this is the approach used in the original version of VR.
Liveness. It's interesting to note that the recovery protocol requires $f+2$ replicas to communicate! Nevertheless, the protocol is live, assuming no more that $f$ replicas fail simultaneously. The reason is that a replica is considered failed until it has recovered its state. Therefore while a replica is recovering, there must be at least $f+1$ other replicas that are not failed, and thus the recovering replica will receive at least $f+1$ responses to its Recovery
Safety. Reconfiguration is correct because it preserves all committed requests in the order selected for them. The primary of the old group stops accepting client requests as soon as it receives a Reconfiguration
request. This means that the Reconfiguration
request is the last committed request in that epoch. Furthermore, new replicas do not become active until they have completed state transfer. Thus, they learn about all requests that committed in the previous epoch, in the order selected for them, and these requests are ordered before any client request processed in the new epoch.
An interesting point is that it's possible for the primaries in both the old and new groups to be active simultaneously. This can happen if the primary of the old group fails after the reconfiguration request commits. In this case it's possible for a view change to occur in the old group, and the primary selected by this view change might re-run the normal-case protocol for the reconfiguration request. Meanwhile the new group might be actively processing new client requests. However, the old group will not accept any new client requests (because the primary of the new view checks whether the topmost request in the log is a reconfiguration request and if so it won't accept client requests). Therefore, processing in the old group cannot interfere with the ordering of requests that are handled in the new epoch.
It's worth noting that it is important that the new epoch start in view 0 rather than using the view in which the old epoch ended up. The reason is that StartEpoch
messages could be sent from old epoch replicas with different view numbers; this can happen if there is a view change in the old group and the new primary re-runs the reconfiguration request. If the new group accepted the view number from the old group, we could end up with two primaries in the new group, which would be incorrect.
Liveness. The system is live because (1) the base protocol is live, which ensures that the Reconfiguration
request will eventually be executed in the old group; (2) new replicas will eventually move to the next epoch; and (3) old replicas do not shut down until new replicas are ready to process client requests.
New replicas are certain to learn of the new epoch once a Reconfiguration
request has committed because after this point old group members actively communicate with both old and new ones to ensure that other replicas know about the reconfiguration. Most important here are the StartEpoch
messages that old nodes send to new ones if they don't receive EpochStarted
messages in a timely way. These messages ensure that even if the old primary fails to send StartEpoch
messages to the new replicas, or if it sends these messages but they fail to arrive, nevertheless the new replicas will learn of the new epoch.
Old replicas do not shut down too early because they wait for $f'+1$ EpochStarted
messages before shutting down. This way we know that enough new replicas have their state to ensure that the group as a whole can process client requests assuming no more than a threshold of failures in the new group.
Old replicas might shut down before some new replicas have finished state transfer. However, this can happen only after at least $f'+1$ new replicas have their state, and the other new replicas will then be able to get up to date by doing state transfer from the new replicas.
A final point is that old replicas shut down by the administrator do not cause a problem, assuming the administrator doesn't do this until after executing a CheckEpoch
request in the new epoch. Waiting until this point ensures that at least $f'+1$ replicas in the new group have their state; therefore after this point the old replicas are no longer needed.
This paper has presented an improved version of Viewstamped Replication, a protocol used to build replicated systems that are able to tolerate crash failures. The protocol does not require any disk writes as client requests are processed or even during view changes, yet it allows nodes to recover from failures and rejoin the group.
The paper also presents a protocol to allow for reconfigurations that change the members of the replica group, and even the failure threshold. A reconfiguration technique is necessary for the protocol to be deployed in practice since the systems of interest are typically long lived.
In addition, the paper describes a number of optimizations that make the protocol efficient. The state transfer technique uses application state to speed up recovery and allows us to keep the log small, by discarding prefixes. The use of witnesses allows service state to be stored at only $f+1$ of the $2f+1$ replicas. The paper also describes ways to reduce latency of reads and writes, and to improve throughput when the system is heavily loaded.
Today there is increasing use of replication protocols that handle crash failures in modern large-scale distributed systems. Our hope is that this paper will be a help to those who are developing the next generation of reliable distributed systems.